Re: [HTCondor-devel] ClassAd attributes containing "my" address

Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 10:10:25 -0500
From: Dan Bradley <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] ClassAd attributes containing "my" address
Hi Alan,

My memory is that these attributes are all singularly sinful. When ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP was written, the Sinful class did not yet exist. It does sound like a good idea to employ it. Even better would be to get rid of the need for ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP, but c'est la vie.


On 8/7/14, 2:50 PM, Alan De Smet wrote:
Are the ClassAd attributes MyAddress, TransferSocket, and
*IpAddr always a single Sinful string and nothing else;
nothing outside of the <>?  I believe they are, but perhaps there
are cases I'm unaware of.

Why I'm interested (totally optional):

When sending a ClassAd over the wire, CEDAR tries to rewrite any
of the local daemon's IP addresses to ensure that the address
being used to send the ClassAd matches the one inside the
ClassAd. The goal is for a multi-homed daemon to send the most
useful address to any given person.  The code implementing this
is ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP (/src/condor_utils/my_hostname.cpp)

As part of the mixed-mode IPv4/IPv6 work, I'm going to overhaul
ConvertDefaultIPToSocketIP.  At the very least, it needs to be
changed to correctly handle rewriting from IPv4 to IPv6.  I'd
like to replace the current code, which tries to subtly modify
the Sinful directly to instead use the Sinful object.  But for
this to work, everything it changes MUST be a solitary Sinful in
the first place.

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