Re: [HTCondor-devel] more on IP addresses

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 21:55:50 -0700
From: Igor Sfiligoi <sfiligoi@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] more on IP addresses
Hi Erik.

I think we are mixing two things here;
migrating jobs between nodes and killing jobs due to upgrades.

Personally, I would really like the second solved first!
As you said "It's nuts that you have to restart so many jobs when you upgrade HTCondor"!
HTCondor startd should be able to restart (and possibly change version in between) without killing any jobs!!!

Not rocket science, it just does not fit the current architecture.

My 2c,

On 03/21/2013 07:03 PM, Erik Paulson wrote:
HTCondor really should be doing something to manage IP addresses and treat them as a resource. Not every job will need a public-facing IP address, but some will, and HTCondor should think harder about them and possibly require that dependency be declared ahead of time.

Where you really should be is in a place where you can migrate any job, including network connections, to other hosts. Just here at the UW the rigmarole with scheduling and upgrades would be dramatically simpler if you could shuffle things around and you had a better sense of what the job was doing with its network. (It's nuts that you have to restart so many jobs when you upgrade HTCondor)


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