Re: [HTCondor-devel] Possible corruption in V7_9_2-branch

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:40:11 -0500
From: Matthew Farrellee <matt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Possible corruption in V7_9_2-branch
On 11/26/2012 05:36 PM, Nathan Panike wrote:

I would just like a clear policy to implement in code. The current
policy---which is not really a policy at all---where code is sometimes
merged through the release branch and sometimes not, is simply not
something that can be observed by a computer.

+1 to the idea where the the release branches are locked down, and the
wrangler cherry-pick's commits onto them.


We should strive for short lived release branches with clear owners. Release branches should live long enough to stabilize, and the owner should pull in what fixes are needed to stabilize.

A predictable cadence for release will also help. With a known duration between releases the pressure to get one more thing into the current release can be lightened.


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