Re: [HTCondor-devel] Could a few folks respond to this test message?

Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 14:33:29 +0100
From: Brian Bockelman <bbockelm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Could a few folks respond to this test message?
Works for me!

(Well, it works if this message ends up in your inbox)


On Nov 8, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Todd Tannenbaum <tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Could a few folks, ideally outside of UW-Madison, respond to this test message?  I want to confirm the email list renames that happened earlier today are not causing problems.
> thanks
> Todd
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> HTCondor-devel mailing list
> HTCondor-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx

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