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Re: [Condor-devel] help with preemption

Hi Dan:

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 09:36:19AM -0600, Dan Bradley wrote:
> On 1/13/12 9:00 AM, Nathan Panike wrote:
> >Dear colleagues:
> >
> >I have the following configuration:
> >
> >CountDeNovoJobs = int(( slot1_IsDeNovoJob =?= True ) +( slot2_IsDeNovoJob =?=
> >True ) +( slot3_IsDeNovoJob =?= True ) +( slot4_IsDeNovoJob =?= True ))
> >WantsDeNovoJobs = ( CountDeNovoJobs<= 1 )
> >STARTD_ATTRS = $(STARTD_ATTRS) CountDeNovoJobs WantsDeNovoJobs
> >KILL = ($(KILL))&&  ( MY.IsDeNovoJob =!= True )
> >PREEMPT = ($(PREEMPT))&&  ( MY.IsDeNovoJob =!= True )
> >SUSPEND = ($(SUSPEND))&&  ( MY.IsDeNovoJob =!= True )
> What is RANK set to?

RANK = (Group =?= "lmcg") * (1000 + Tier)

If I change this to

RANK = (Group =?= "lmcg") * (1000 + Tier) * ( MY.IsDeNovoJob =!= True )

then will it do what I want (wrt machine rank)?

> The preemption happened because the new job had higher machine rank
> than the existing job.
> It's a continual source of surprise to users that when PREEMPT is
> false, jobs can still be preempted.  Our terminology sucks.
> --Dan

Thanks for the explanation

Nathan Panike