[HTCondor-devel] [htcondor-devel] RFC: consuming partitionable resources (p-slots) in the negotiator

Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 17:37:58 -0700
From: Erik Erlandson <eje@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] [htcondor-devel] RFC: consuming partitionable resources (p-slots) in the negotiator
I recently implemented an enhancement to the negotiator that allows it
to match multiple jobs to a single partitionable resource ad within a

There is a writeup and demo here:

The topic branch currently resides on my personal github fork of the
htcondor repo, accessible here:

The enhancement has some appealing properties (see the blog entry), and
I'm interested in the community's thoughts and feedback.

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  • [HTCondor-devel] [htcondor-devel] RFC: consuming partitionable resources (p-slots) in the negotiator, Erik Erlandson <=