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[Condor-devel] Merging only the doc/ subtree
- Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:17:49 -0500
- From: Nathan Panike <nwp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-devel] Merging only the doc/ subtree
> - Did a bunch of git merges. Had to make an inquiry, as I was to
> merge a whole lot of undesireable code into 7.7.1, since
> developers had stopped merging through 7.7.1, but the documentation
> still needed to go through. This will be a perpetual problem,
> since last-second documentation needs to be propagated, while
> code should/must not.
Hi Karen,
Next time this happens, could you try running the following script? (I sent an
earlier version a few weeks ago, but I believe this one takes care of merge
conflicts) This will merge only the changes below doc/.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# First check that we have no changes to commit
if ! git diff --quiet || ! git diff --cached --quiet; then
echo "You have uncommitted changes"
echo "Commit your changes; then run again"
exit 1
#Check that we are actually on a branch
if ! git symbolic-ref -q HEAD; then
echo "You are on a detached HEAD"
exit 1
#Find the merge base between HEAD and the merge candidate
MB="$(git merge-base HEAD $1)"
if test -z "$MB"; then
# Exit if there is no merge-base
echo "No merge base; I won't know how to merge"
exit 1
# Get the tree of the merge base
MT="$(git rev-parse ${MB}^{tree})"
# Get our tree (the one we are sitting on now)
HT="$(git rev-parse HEAD^{tree})";
# Delete doc/ from our index. This does not mess with our working tree!
# Even if it did, we checked above that our working tree is clean and
# everything is committed. (So no data will be lost)
git rm -rf --cached doc/
# Read in the doc tree from the merge candidate
git read-tree --prefix=doc/ ${1}:doc/
# Create a new tree
TT="$(git write-tree)"
# Report on differences we found we should have only one line, that
# looks like
# :040000 040000 8091b82... 6c5be8f... M doc
git diff-tree --abbrev $HT $TT
# This resets our tree
git reset --hard HEAD
git read-tree -u -m $MT $HT $TT
git merge-index -o $(git --exec-path)/git-merge-one-file -a
# Now you should be able to resolve conflicts, etc, as after a "normal" merge.