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[Condor-devel] What is wrong with rm

I have several jobs submitted from my workstation:

-- Submitter: : <> :
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
 165.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:33:00 R  0   97.7 condor_dagman     
 166.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:05:36 H  0   97.7 Surf.exe group1-20
 167.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:05:34 H  0   97.7 Surf.exe group1-20
 168.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:05:33 H  0   97.7 Surf.exe group1-20
 169.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:05:34 H  0   97.7 Surf.exe group1-20
 170.0   nwp            10/14 14:12   0+00:05:32 H  0   97.7 Surf.exe group1-20
<it goes on, but you get the idea>

Now, I do condor_rm 165.0

and get the following message

No result found for job 165.0

Version is

$CondorVersion: 7.6.3 Aug 17 2011 BuildID: 361356 $
$CondorPlatform: x86_64_rhap_5 $

Nathan Panike