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[Condor-devel] Classad mod testing, gone to plaid.
- Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 17:07:00 -0500 (EST)
- From: Tim St Clair <tstclair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-devel] Classad mod testing, gone to plaid.
Folks -
For a couple of days now I've gone around in a circle looking at modifications and I thought I would open *this up to a broader audience to hopefully point out something obvious that I'm missing.
I've made modifications to classads such that we can cache expressions, and everything seems to work as expected until CLAIM is requested from the schedd<>startd. It appears from debugging that the requirements expression evaluates to UNDEFINED, to be more specific anything TARGET. -> UNDEFINED. But I'm not certain why, b/c when I lay out ads before and after the appear ~=.
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: Received ClaimId from schedd (<>#1320784253#9#...)
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.Arch --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.OpSys --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.Disk --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: 30 --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: DiskUsage --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.Memory --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: 30 --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ImageSize --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: JobVMMemory --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: 30 --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ImageSize --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03) --> 0.0292969
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03)) --> 1
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: RequestMemory --> 1
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: 30 --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ImageSize --> 30
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.HasFileTransfer --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .RIGHT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: TARGET.FileSystemDomain --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: .LEFT --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: MY --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: MY.FileSystemDomain --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Classad debug: ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( TARGET.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) ) --> UNDEFINED
11/08/11 14:32:26 Failed to find requirements in merged ad?
11/08/11 14:32:26 job_ad
[ CommittedSlotTime = 0; PeriodicRemove = false; Out = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.out"; ImageSize_RAW = 28; NumCkpts_RAW = 0; AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,FileSystemDomain,DiskUsage,ImageSize,RequestMemory,Requirements,NiceUser,ConcurrencyLimits"; CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; EnteredCurrentStatus = 1320784303; NumSystemHolds = 0; WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; StreamOut = false; NumRestarts = 0; Cmd = "/bin/sleep"; ImageSize = 30; CurrentHosts = 0; Iwd = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit"; CumulativeSlotTime = 0; ExecutableSize_RAW = 28; CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Nov 07 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $"; RemoteUserCpu = 0.0; NumCkpts = 0; Arguments = "60"; RemoteSysCpu = 0.0; JobStatus = 1; OnExitRemove = true; BufferBlockSize = 32768; ClusterId = 4; In = "/dev/null"; LocalUserCpu = 0.0; MinHosts = 1; JobUniverse = 5; Environment = ""; RequestDisk = DiskUsage; RootDir = "/"; NumJobStarts = 0; WantRemoteIO = true; RequestMemory = ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03)); GlobalJobId = "tstclair.redhat.com#4.3#1320784303"; LocalSysCpu = 0.0; PeriodicRelease = false; CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com"; DiskUsage = 30; JobLeaseDuration = 1200; UserLog = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.log"; StartdSendsAlives = true; ExecutableSize = 30; MaxHosts = 1; ServerTime = 1320784346; CoreSize = 0; DiskUsage_RAW = 28; ProcId = 3; CommittedTime = 0; ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED"; TotalSuspensions = 0; Err = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.err"; AutoClusterId = 1; RequestCpus = 1; StreamErr = false; RemoteWallClockTime = 0.0; NiceUser = false; TargetType = "Machine"; QDate = 1320784302; PeriodicHold = false; OnExitHold = false; Rank = 0.0; ExitBySignal = false; CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $"; JobPrio = 0; LastSuspensionTime = 0; CurrentTime = time(); User = "tstclair@*"; JobNotification = 2; BufferSize = 524288; WantRemoteSyscalls = false; ExitStatus = 0; LeaveJobInQueue = false; CompletionDate = 0; MyType = "Job"; Requirements = ( debug(( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( TARGET.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) )) ); WantCheckpoint = false; Owner = "tstclair"; LastJobStatus = 0; TransferIn = false ]
11/08/11 14:32:26 merged_ad
[ CommittedSlotTime = 0; PeriodicRemove = false; Out = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.out"; ImageSize_RAW = 28; NumCkpts_RAW = 0; AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,FileSystemDomain,DiskUsage,ImageSize,RequestMemory,Requirements,NiceUser,ConcurrencyLimits"; CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; EnteredCurrentStatus = 1320784303; NumSystemHolds = 0; WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; StreamOut = false; NumRestarts = 0; Cmd = "/bin/sleep"; ImageSize = 30; CurrentHosts = 0; Iwd = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit"; CumulativeSlotTime = 0; ExecutableSize_RAW = 28; CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Nov 07 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $"; RemoteUserCpu = 0.0; NumCkpts = 0; Arguments = "60"; RemoteSysCpu = 0.0; JobStatus = 1; OnExitRemove = true; BufferBlockSize = 32768; ClusterId = 4; In = "/dev/null"; LocalUserCpu = 0.0; MinHosts = 1; JobUniverse = 5; Environment = ""; RequestDisk = DiskUsage; RootDir = "/"; NumJobStarts = 0; WantRemoteIO = true; RequestMemory = ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03)); GlobalJobId = "tstclair.redhat.com#4.3#1320784303"; LocalSysCpu = 0.0; PeriodicRelease = false; CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com"; DiskUsage = 30; JobLeaseDuration = 1200; UserLog = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.log"; StartdSendsAlives = true; ExecutableSize = 30; MaxHosts = 1; ServerTime = 1320784346; CoreSize = 0; DiskUsage_RAW = 28; ProcId = 3; CommittedTime = 0; ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED"; TotalSuspensions = 0; Err = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/4.3_generic_submit.err"; AutoClusterId = 1; RequestCpus = 1; StreamErr = false; RemoteWallClockTime = 0.0; NiceUser = false; TargetType = "Machine"; QDate = 1320784302; PeriodicHold = false; OnExitHold = false; Rank = 0.0; ExitBySignal = false; CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $"; JobPrio = 0; LastSuspensionTime = 0; CurrentTime = time(); User = "tstclair@*"; JobNotification = 2; BufferSize = 524288; WantRemoteSyscalls = false; ExitStatus = 0; LeaveJobInQueue = false; CompletionDate = 0; MyType = "Job"; Requirements = ( debug(( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( TARGET.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) )) ); WantCheckpoint = false; Owner = "tstclair"; LastJobStatus = 0; TransferIn = false ][ Machine = "tstclair.redhat.com"; EnteredCurrentState = 1320784315; IsDaemonCore = true; SUSPEND = false; JavaVersion = "1.6.0_22"; MonitorSelfAge = 8; OpSysAndVer = "LINUX"; HasMPI = true; IsValidCheckpointPlatform = ( TARGET.JobUniverse isnt 1 || ( ( MY.CheckpointPlatform isnt undefined ) && ( ( TARGET.LastCheckpointPlatform is MY.CheckpointPlatform ) || ( TARGET.NumCkpts == 0 ) ) ) ); CpuIsBusy = false; LastBenchmark = 1320784281; HasVM = true; HibernationSupportedStates = "S3,S4"; JavaVendor = "Sun Microsystems Inc."; HasJICLocalConfig = true; RecentDaemonCoreDutyCycle = 1.655247672695759E-03; Name = "slot4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; RunBenchmarks = ( LastBenchmark == 0 ) || ( ( time() - LastBenchmark ) >= ( 4 * ( 60 * 60 ) ) ); MachineMaxVacateTime = 600; StarterAbilityList = "HasMPI,HasVM,HasJICLocalConfig,HasFileTransfer,HasJICLocalStdin,HasPerFileEncryption,HasJava,HasReconnect,HasTDP,HasJobDeferral"; NumPids = 0; HasFileTransfer = true; TimeToLive = 2147483647; MonitorSelfSecuritySessions = 1; OpSysVer = 206; TotalDisk = 29769172; CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Nov 07 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $"; Unhibernate = MY.MachineLastMatchTime isnt undefined; IsWakeOnLanSupported = false; Cpus = 1; KILL = false; ClockDay = 2; HibernationLevel = 0; HibernationState = "NONE"; StartdIpAddr = "<>"; MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = 0; PREEMPT = false; TotalVirtualMemory = 3616476; TotalLoadAvg = 6.899999999999999E-01; HasIOProxy = true; HardwareAddress = "00:22:fa:c2:7f:d4"; HasJICLocalStdin = true; VirtualMemory = 723295; CONTINUE = true; TotalMemory = 1951; TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle = 55; MyAddress = "<>"; MyCurrentTime = 1320784259; LastFetchWorkSpawned = 0; HasPerFileEncryption = true; COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING = ""; HasJava = true; FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com"; CpuBusyTime = 0; CpuBusy = ( ( LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg ) >= 5.000000000000000E-01 ); WANT_VACATE = false; HasReconnect = true; MonitorSelfImageSize = 9.416800000000000E+04; Memory = 390; IsWakeAble = false; CanHibernate = true; TotalCpus = 5; WakeOnLanSupportedFlags = "NONE"; ClockMin = 870; CurrentRank = 0.0; PERIODIC_CHECKPOINT = false; OpSys = "LINUX"; State = "Unclaimed"; START = true; MonitorSelfCPUUsage = 2.500000000000000E-01; IsOwner = ( START is false ); MaxJobRetirementTime = 0; Arch = "X86_64"; Activity = "Idle"; ConsoleIdle = 0; HasTDP = true; SubnetMask = ""; MonitorSelfTime = 1320784260; DaemonCoreDutyCycle = 1.655247672695759E-03; WANT_SUSPEND = false; KeyboardIdle = 0; TotalTimeOwnerIdle = 1; TargetType = "Job"; CheckpointPlatform = "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal N/A"; Rank = 0.0; WakeOnLanEnabledFlags = "NONE"; JavaMFlops = 7.148205570000000E+02; HasJobDeferral = true; CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $"; LoadAvg = 0.0; TotalCondorLoadAvg = 0.0; JavaSpecificationVersion = "1.6"; CurrentTime = time(); Disk = 5953834; CondorLoadAvg = 0.0; IsWakeOnLanEnabled = false; TotalSlots = 5; UidDomain = "*"; EnteredCurrentActivity = 1320784315; SlotWeight = Cpus; SlotID = 4; LastFetchWorkCompleted = 0; WANT_HOLD = false; NextFetchWorkDelay = -1; MyType = "Machine"; Requirements = ( START ) && ( IsValidCheckpointPlatform ); MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = 7328 ]
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: Job requirements not satisfied.
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: Request to claim resource refused.
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: State change: claiming protocol failed
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: Changing state: Unclaimed -> Owner
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: State change: IS_OWNER is false
11/08/11 14:32:26 slot4: Changing state: Owner -> Unclaimed
Old Successful Ad Dump:
BufferSize = 524288;
NiceUser = false;
CoreSize = 0;
CumulativeSlotTime = 0;
Submission = "tstclair.redhat.com#45";
OnExitHold = false;
GlobalJobId = "tstclair.redhat.com#45.0#1320175008";
RequestCpus = 1;
Err = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.err";
BufferBlockSize = 32768;
StartdSendsAlives = true;
ImageSize = 30;
CurrentTime = time();
WantCheckpoint = false;
CommittedTime = 0;
TargetType = "Machine";
WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
ServerTime = 1320253416;
Cmd = "/bin/sleep";
JobUniverse = 5;
ExitBySignal = false;
ScheddBday = 1320253391;
TransferIn = false;
Iwd = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit";
NumRestarts = 0;
CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
Owner = "tstclair";
NumSystemHolds = 0;
CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
Environment = "";
RequestDisk = DiskUsage;
Requirements = ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( TARGET.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
MinHosts = 1;
JobNotification = 2;
NumCkpts = 0;
LastSuspensionTime = 0;
NumJobStarts = 0;
WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
JobLeaseDuration = 1200;
ImageSize_RAW = 28;
JobPrio = 0;
RootDir = "/";
CurrentHosts = 0;
StreamOut = false;
WantRemoteIO = true;
DiskUsage_RAW = 28;
OnExitRemove = true;
DiskUsage = 30;
In = "/dev/null";
PeriodicRemove = false;
ExecutableSize = 30;
LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
RemoteUserCpu = 0.0;
LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
RemoteSysCpu = 0.0;
ClusterId = 45;
CompletionDate = 0;
RemoteWallClockTime = 0.0;
Rank = 0.0;
LeaveJobInQueue = false;
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Oct 28 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $";
MyType = "Job";
NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
StreamErr = false;
PeriodicHold = false;
ProcId = 0;
FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com";
User = "tstclair@*";
LastJobStatus = 0;
Arguments = "1";
Out = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.out";
UserLog = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.log";
JobStatus = 1;
PeriodicRelease = false;
ExecutableSize_RAW = 28;
RequestMemory = ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03));
MaxHosts = 1;
AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,FileSystemDomain,DiskUsage,ImageSize,RequestMemory,Requirements,NiceUser,ConcurrencyLimits";
CommittedSlotTime = 0;
TotalSuspensions = 0;
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $";
ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
ExitStatus = 0;
AutoClusterId = 1;
EnteredCurrentStatus = 1320175008;
QDate = 1320175008
11/02/11 12:03:36 merged_ad
BufferSize = 524288;
NiceUser = false;
CoreSize = 0;
CumulativeSlotTime = 0;
Submission = "tstclair.redhat.com#45";
OnExitHold = false;
GlobalJobId = "tstclair.redhat.com#45.0#1320175008";
RequestCpus = 1;
Err = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.err";
BufferBlockSize = 32768;
StartdSendsAlives = true;
ImageSize = 30;
CurrentTime = time();
WantCheckpoint = false;
CommittedTime = 0;
TargetType = "Machine";
WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
ServerTime = 1320253416;
Cmd = "/bin/sleep";
JobUniverse = 5;
ExitBySignal = false;
ScheddBday = 1320253391;
TransferIn = false;
Iwd = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit";
NumRestarts = 0;
CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
Owner = "tstclair";
NumSystemHolds = 0;
CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
Environment = "";
RequestDisk = DiskUsage;
Requirements = ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( TARGET.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( RequestMemory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
MinHosts = 1;
JobNotification = 2;
NumCkpts = 0;
LastSuspensionTime = 0;
NumJobStarts = 0;
WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
JobLeaseDuration = 1200;
ImageSize_RAW = 28;
JobPrio = 0;
RootDir = "/";
CurrentHosts = 0;
StreamOut = false;
WantRemoteIO = true;
DiskUsage_RAW = 28;
OnExitRemove = true;
DiskUsage = 30;
In = "/dev/null";
PeriodicRemove = false;
ExecutableSize = 30;
LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
RemoteUserCpu = 0.0;
LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
RemoteSysCpu = 0.0;
ClusterId = 45;
CompletionDate = 0;
RemoteWallClockTime = 0.0;
Rank = 0.0;
LeaveJobInQueue = false;
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Oct 28 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $";
MyType = "Job";
NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
StreamErr = false;
PeriodicHold = false;
ProcId = 0;
FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com";
User = "tstclair@*";
LastJobStatus = 0;
Arguments = "1";
Out = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.out";
UserLog = "/home/tstclair/work/personal-condor/submit/joblogs/45.0_generic_submit.log";
JobStatus = 1;
PeriodicRelease = false;
ExecutableSize_RAW = 28;
RequestMemory = ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory isnt undefined,JobVMMemory,ImageSize / 1.024000000000000E+03));
MaxHosts = 1;
AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,FileSystemDomain,DiskUsage,ImageSize,RequestMemory,Requirements,NiceUser,ConcurrencyLimits";
CommittedSlotTime = 0;
TotalSuspensions = 0;
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $";
ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
ExitStatus = 0;
AutoClusterId = 1;
EnteredCurrentStatus = 1320175008;
QDate = 1320175008
TotalCondorLoadAvg = 0.0;
IsValidCheckpointPlatform = ( TARGET.JobUniverse isnt 1 || ( ( MY.CheckpointPlatform isnt undefined ) && ( ( TARGET.LastCheckpointPlatform is MY.CheckpointPlatform ) || ( TARGET.NumCkpts == 0 ) ) ) );
JavaSpecificationVersion = "1.6";
JavaVendor = "Sun Microsystems Inc.";
MonitorSelfTime = -1;
OpSys = "LINUX";
IsDaemonCore = true;
LastFetchWorkSpawned = 0;
RunBenchmarks = ( LastBenchmark == 0 ) || ( ( time() - LastBenchmark ) >= ( 4 * ( 60 * 60 ) ) );
HibernationState = "NONE";
HasMPI = true;
TotalLoadAvg = 1.490000000000000E+00;
OpSysAndVer = "LINUX";
Rank = 0.0;
MyType = "Machine";
LoadAvg = 0.0;
VirtualMemory = 703403;
SlotWeight = Cpus;
CheckpointPlatform = "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal N/A";
HardwareAddress = "00:22:fa:c2:7f:d4";
HasJobDeferral = true;
TotalDisk = 31470124;
TotalSlots = 5;
HasJICLocalStdin = true;
Requirements = ( START ) && ( IsValidCheckpointPlatform );
NumPids = 0;
ClockMin = 723;
CpuIsBusy = false;
HasJICLocalConfig = true;
UidDomain = "*";
WANT_HOLD = false;
CpuBusy = ( ( LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg ) >= 5.000000000000000E-01 );
Arch = "X86_64";
WakeOnLanEnabledFlags = "NONE";
TargetType = "Job";
SubnetMask = "";
HasFileTransfer = true;
KeyboardIdle = 0;
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-Fedora_15 $";
SUSPEND = false;
OpSysVer = 206;
StartdIpAddr = "<>";
CpuBusyTime = 0;
RecentDaemonCoreDutyCycle = 0.0;
StarterAbilityList = "HasTDP,HasJobDeferral,HasJICLocalConfig,HasJICLocalStdin,HasPerFileEncryption,HasFileTransfer,HasVM,HasReconnect,HasMPI,HasJava";
HasReconnect = true;
DaemonCoreDutyCycle = 0.0;
CanHibernate = true;
TotalMemory = 1951;
Machine = "tstclair.redhat.com";
MaxJobRetirementTime = 0;
MonitorSelfAge = -1;
Disk = 6294024;
Unhibernate = MY.MachineLastMatchTime isnt undefined;
IsWakeOnLanEnabled = false;
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.7.5 Nov 02 2011 BuildID: tstclair_local PRE-RELEASE-UWCS $";
HasJava = true;
Activity = "Idle";
TotalVirtualMemory = 3517016;
TotalCpus = 5;
HasVM = true;
Name = "slot4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
IsWakeAble = false;
HibernationSupportedStates = "S3,S4";
SlotID = 4;
IsOwner = ( START is false );
MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = 0;
WANT_VACATE = false;
MonitorSelfSecuritySessions = 0;
IsWakeOnLanSupported = false;
CONTINUE = true;
FileSystemDomain = "tstclair.redhat.com";
CondorLoadAvg = 0.0;
EnteredCurrentState = 1320253396;
MonitorSelfImageSize = 0.0;
ConsoleIdle = 0;
State = "Unclaimed";
KILL = false;
START = true;
MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = 0;
HasTDP = true;
CurrentRank = 0.0;
Cpus = 1;
Memory = 390;
HasIOProxy = true;
TimeToLive = 2147483647;
JavaVersion = "1.6.0_22";
LastFetchWorkCompleted = 0;
MyCurrentTime = 1320253396;
MachineMaxVacateTime = 600;
NextFetchWorkDelay = -1;
MonitorSelfCPUUsage = -1.000000000000000E+00;
LastBenchmark = 0;
CurrentTime = time();
PREEMPT = false;
WakeOnLanSupportedFlags = "NONE";
ClockDay = 3;
MyAddress = "<>";
HibernationLevel = 0;
HasPerFileEncryption = true;
EnteredCurrentActivity = 1320253396;
JavaMFlops = 7.161273800000000E+02