[Gems-users] Could not open network file

Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 14:10:10 -0600
From: nilufar ferdous <ferdous.nilufar@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Could not open network file
Hello all ,

I am trying for simulating  for   I  NUCA protocol. I use  

I use  the below mentioned commands and the result shows as:

simics> istc-disable
Turning I-STC off and flushing old data
simics> dstc-disable
Turning D-STC off and flushing old data
simics> instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace
simics> load-module ruby
successful installation of the ruby timing model.
simics> load-module opal
Queue registration cpu0
successful installation of the opal queue.
hfa_init_local done:
simics>  ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS 8
simics> ruby0.setparam g_PROCS_PER_CHIP 8
simics> ruby0.setparam L1_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 8
simics> ruby0.setparam L1_CACHE_ASSOC 4
simics> ruby0.setparam g_NUM_L2_BANKS 256
simics> ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 16
simics>  ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_ASSOC 4
simics> ruby0.setparam_str g_NETWORK_TOPOLOGY FILE_SPECIFIED
simics> ruby0.setparam_str g_DYNAMIC_TIMEOUT_ENABLED false
simics> ruby0.setparam_str REMOVE_SINGLE_CYCLE_DCACHE_FAST_PATH true
simics>  ruby0.setparam_str g_CACHE_DESIGN NUCACOL
simics> ruby0.setparam_str g_adaptive_routing false
simics> ruby0.setparam NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS 7
simics>  ruby0.setparam g_endpoint_bandwidth 1000
simics> ruby0.setparam_str g_NUCA_PREDICTOR_CONFIG DNUCA
simics> ruby0.setparam_str ENABLE_MIGRATION true
simics> ruby0.setparam_str COLLECTOR_HANDLES_OFF_CHIP_REQUESTS true
simics> ruby0.setparam_str PERFECT_DNUCA_SEARCH true
simics> ruby0.setparam g_NUM_DNUCA_BANKS_SETS 16
simics> ruby0.init
Ruby Timing Mode
Warning: optimizations not enabled.
Creating event queue...
Creating event queue done
Creating system...
 Processors: 8
Error: Could not open network file:
Probably no network file exists for 8 processors and 8 procs per chip

There is already a file in  /home/nilufar/gems/ruby/network/simple/Network_Files//NUCACOL_Procs-8_
ProcsPerChip-8_L2Banks-256_Memories-8.txt and it contains some valid data. But I can not understand why it is showing error. Please help me. Thanks a lot!

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