I run several workloads in splash2, spec2000, and guess there is enough cache locality in them.
From: dafan_ma@xxxxxxxxxxx To: gems-users@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 13:01:16 +0000 Subject: [Gems-users] Is the Cache tag search behavior truely simulated in ruby cache?
Hi there, To do some research works on the cache replacement strategy in ruby cache, I choose several protocol for simulation, and I use the Cachememory::findTaginSet to profile the miss and hit in Cache rather than profile them in Slicc file, but I find the function “findTaginSet” always returning value "-1" which means no tag matching in sets.I'm confused so I add a line in Cachememory.h:
template<class ENTRY> inline int CacheMemory<ENTRY>::findTagInSet(Index cacheSet, const Address& tag) const { assert(tag == line_address(tag)); // search the set for the tags for (int i=0; i < m_cache_assoc; i++) { if ((m_cache[cacheSet][i].m_Address == tag) && (m_cache[cacheSet][i].m_Permission != AccessPermission_NotPresent)) { return i; cout<<"L2 hit!"<<i<<endl; &am!
sp; } } return -1; // Not found }
but nothing shows on the screen, so I wonder is the function a dummy one, actually no real address tag is stored in ruby cache, and the ruby can only profile miss and hit depending on the state, is it the case? Thx !
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