[Gems-users] How to access L2 cache entry in LRUPolicy.h

Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 15:09:00 +0530
From: Liz Joy <lizjoy86@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] How to access L2 cache entry in LRUPolicy.h

I want to access the m_Address associated with each way in a particular set of L2 cache in getVictim() of  LRUPolicy.h..How can it be possible?? I templated the LRUPolicy class..bt still it is giving segmentation fault.

template <class ENTRY>
class LRUPolicy : public AbstractReplacementPolicy {
 Vector<Vector<ENTRY> > m_cache;


template <class ENTRY>
Index LRUPolicy<ENTRY>::getVictim(Index set) const {
for(int i=0;i<m_assoc;i++)
             m_cache[set][i].m_Address         //----------------???? How can I access this???



Someone kindly  help me please...................
Thanks in advance

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