Just some additional info, this error is something I get before the yy_fatal_error issue. I'm trying to compile ruby using release1.2 together with simics 2.2.19 on a machine x86 machine running redhat (64-bit). I used the simcs
configure script so that gcc/g++ 3.4.6 is used. Issuing make with PROTOCOL/DESTINATION=MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory gives me this:
../simics/x86-linux/obj/include/simics/types_api.h:203: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef int64 intptr_t'
/usr/include/unistd.h:238: error: 'intptr_t' has a previous declaration as 'typedef __intptr_t intptr_t'
../simics/x86-linux/obj/include/simics/types_api.h:211: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef uint64 uintptr_t'
/usr/include/stdint.h:123: error: 'uintptr_t' has a previous declaration as 'typedef long unsigned int uintptr_t'
make[1]: *** [x86-linux/generated/MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory/obj/attrparse.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/olddisk/localdisk/mladen/amc/gems-release1.2/ruby'
If I change the correspoding typedef to typedef "int64 intptr_t_mladen;" and "typedef uint64 uintptr_t_mladen;" then I can get further but eventually I get:
generated/MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory/attrlex.c:303: error: 'void yy_fatal_error(const char*)' used but never defined
I'm using make clean between the tries, so the files should be clean right? If no I would appreciate if someone could show how to "clean" the files properly.
Also, I've checked my bison version and it seems to be 2.3.
I've searched the entire GEMS archive and only found one person with the same problems, but no suggested solution.