Hi Ruzhu,
When an L1-cache needs to read/write a data that it is in I or NP, it
has to be sure that no other core has modified it inside a transaction.
So, the L1-cache asks the directory who has that line. If the data is
not present in the L2 cache (NP), the directory does not know if this
data belongs to any in-flight transaction (maybe the transaction
overflowed the L2-cache), and broadcast the requests to all the other
Remote cores check for conflict in their signatures
(L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter) and reply to the requester, whom
gathers the acknowledgements (or nacks if there is a conflict). After
collecting all the responses, the reader/writer is able to acquire the
exclusiveness of the line (MT state in the L2-cache).
Hi all:
I am sorry to sent the incomplete mail by my misoperation some minutes ago.
I want to understand the mechanism in MESI_CMP_filter_Directory
protocol, I used tester.exec to replay the simple trace like wiki in
The trace file only contains these instructions below:
7 0x400 0 LD
1 0x400 0 LD
8 0x400 0 LD
12 0x400 0 ST
1 0x400 0 LD
Then I use a 4*4 mesh topology for interconnect and adding some
configurations in tester.defaults to make it support XACT.
This is partial output from stats file.
1 7 -1 Seq Begin > [0x400,
line 0x400] LD
2 0 7 L1Cache Load NP>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] request: Timestamp: 0 PA: [0x400, line 0x400] Type: LD
VPC: [0x0, line 0x0] Mode: UserMode PF: Yes VA: [0x0, line 0x0] Thread:
0 Exposed: 00
9 0 0 L2Cache L1_GETS NP>ISS [0x400,
line 0x400] request: Timestamp: 0 Requestor: L1Cache-7 Dest: [NetDest
(3) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 - ] PA: [0x400, line 0x400] Type: GETS Mode: UserMode PF:
Yes requestor: L1Cache-7 [0x400, line 0x400]
17 0 0 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
20 0 1 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
23 0 15 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
23 0 3 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
23 0 6 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
23 0 8 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
23 0 2 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
25 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: 0 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -1 sender: L1Cache-0
26 0 5 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
26 0 14 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
26 0 4 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
26 0 9 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
29 0 11 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
29 0 10 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
29 0 12 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
29 0 13 L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter NP>NP
[0x400, line 0x400] [0x400, line 0x400]
31 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -1 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -2 sender: L1Cache-6
31 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -2 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -3 sender: L1Cache-1
31 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -3 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -4 sender: L1Cache-8
34 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -4 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -5 sender: L1Cache-15
37 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -5 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -6 sender: L1Cache-9
37 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -6 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -7 sender: L1Cache-3
37 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -7 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -8 sender: L1Cache-2
37 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -8 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -9 sender: L1Cache-5
40 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -9 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -10 sender: L1Cache-4
40 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -10 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -11 sender: L1Cache-14
43 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -11 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -12 sender: L1Cache-10
46 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -12 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -13 sender: L1Cache-13
46 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -13 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -14 sender: L1Cache-11
46 0 7 L1Cache Ack IS>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -14 [0x400, line 0x400] 1 after
pendingAcks: -15 sender: L1Cache-12
53 0 0 Directory Fetch I>I [0x400,
line 0x400]
210 0 0 L2Cache Mem_Data ISS>ISS_MB [0x400,
line 0x400]
230 0 7 L1Cache L2_Exclusive_Data IS>IS_E [0x400,
line 0x400] before pendingAcks: -15 [0x400, line 0x400] -15 after
pendingAcks: 0 sender: L2Cache-0 Triggering All_Acks
231 7 -1 Seq Done > [0x400,
line 0x400] 230 cycles NULL LD Yes
231 0 7 L1Cache Ack_all IS_E>E [0x400,
line 0x400]
237 0 0 L2Cache Exclusive_Unblock ISS_MB>MT [0x400,
line 0x400]
301 1 -1 Seq Begin > [0x400,
line 0x400] LD
302 0 1 L1Cache Load NP>IS [0x400,
line 0x400] request: Timestamp: 0 PA: [0x400, line 0x400] Type: LD
VPC: [0x0, line 0x0] Mode: UserMode PF: Yes VA: [0x0, line 0x0] Thread:
0 Exposed: 00
309 0 0 L2Cache L1_GETS MT>MT_IIB [0x400,
line 0x400] request: Timestamp: 0 Requestor: L1Cache-1 Dest: [NetDest
(3) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 - ] PA: [0x400, line 0x400] Type: GETS Mode: UserMode PF:
Yes requestor: L1Cache-1 [0x400, line 0x400]
320 0 7 L1Cache Fwd_GETS E>S [0x400,
line 0x400]
328 0 0 L2Cache WB_Data_clean MT_IIB>MT_SB [0x400,
line 0x400]
331 1 -1 Seq Done > [0x400,
line 0x400] 30 cycles NULL LD Yes
My question is why the first LD 0x400 on Processor 7 need to run
L1CacheCheck_Read_Write_Filter on other processors. After the first LD
on Processor 7 L2Cache transform from ISS_MB to MT, which indicates "L2
cache entry Modified in a local L1, assume L2 copy stale" It make me
very puzzle, I used to think LD just need to run
L1CacheCheck_Write_Filter and L2 cache should be in SS.
Can anybody explain it why does it happened?
Another problem is when I look through the protocol file, I find a
problem on access permission in *L1cache.sm which *E* state is set to
be read-only. *E* state in MESI protocol should be Read-writable, and I
do not know the reason changing it here.
I am looking forward to heard any explanations on these problems.
Thanks in advance.
Sincerely yours: