[Gems-users] ruby loading problem

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 10:53:32 +0530
From: Nitin Chaturvedi <ntnbits@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] ruby loading problem
i am facing problem while loading RUBY
i am using niagra target machine with 32 threads
it show some virtual network problem......but initially i have loaded RUBY for same checkpoint but afer renewal of licence it got this error
details are shown below:

simics> @sys.path.append ("/home/nitin/GEMS/gen-scripts")                     
simics> @import mfacet                                       
simics> istc-disable                                         
Turning I-STC off and flushing old data
simics> dstc-disable                                         
Turning D-STC off and flushing old data
simics> instruction-fetch-mode instruction-cache-access-trace
simics> magic-break-enable
simics> load-module ruby
successful installation of the ruby timing model.
simics> ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS 32                   
simics> ruby0.setparam g_PROCS_PER_CHIP 4                    
simics> ruby0.setparam g_NUM_L2_BANKS 32                     
simics> ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 14             
simics> ruby0.setparam NETWORK_LINK_LATENCY 50               
simics> ruby0.init                                           
Ruby Timing Mode
Creating event queue...
Creating event queue done
Creating system...
  Processors: 32
failed assertion 'network_num < m_virtual_networks' at fn void SimpleNetwork::checkNetworkAllocation(NodeID, bool, int) in network/simple/SimpleNetwork.C:203
failed assertion 'network_num < m_virtual_networks' at fn void SimpleNetwork::checkNetworkAllocation(NodeID, bool, int) in network/simple/SimpleNetwork.C:203
At this point you might want to attach a debug to the running and get to the
crash site; otherwise press enter to continue
PID: 14148


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