Hi Joshi,
According to the following code:
if (current_time - request.getTime() >= g_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD)
WARN_MSG("Possible Deadlock
In the file Sequencer.C, when a sequencer is waken, it
will check for deadlock.
After a long time, i.e. g_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD, if the message is still not sent, the
warning will occur.
Hope it helps.
发件人: Joshi,Madhura R
发送时间: 2009-10-21 06:41:59
主题: [Gems-users]
system/Sequencer.C:134: Possible Deadlock detected
Hello all,
Thanks for all previous replies regarding garnet network.
I am trying to run simulations for more than 1 billion cycles. I
get the following output
system/Sequencer.C:134: Possible Deadlock detected
node_id 7
Can anyone please tell when this message appears or when this
condition can occur? For the node id appearing in this message, I
am not able to receive packets after certain limit.
But for rest of the processors in network, things work fine
Madhura Joshi
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