Re: [Gems-users] regarding network tester for garnet-fixed-pipeline

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 22:34:48 -0400
From: Jianchen Hu <hujc.thu@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] regarding network tester for garnet-fixed-pipeline
Hi Niket,

What is the difference between them? For me, the default ruby tester succeeds with some topologies with Garnet, but fails on TORUS, would you mind to send me your tester?

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Niket Agarwal <niketa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Which tester are you running? Is it the default ruby tester? If you
want to run network-only tests, you would need a separate garnet
tester. I can send it to you in a separate email if you want.


On Oct 11, 2009, at 8:39 PM, sjafri@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I ran the tester application for MOESI_CMP_directory with the
> following params:
>    -p 16 -l 1  -c n -n FILE_SPECIFIED -a 16
> When I set the g_NETWORK_TESTING to false, the tester runs fine and
> completes the
> run, however if I set the g_NETWORK_TESTING variable to true, I get
> a possible
> deadlock report, and the time stamp of the deadlocked request is 1.
> I think that
> means the first request never got completed.
> Can some one help me out here?
> Ali
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