Re: [Gems-users] Trying to run microbenchmarks/transactional/deque

Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 17:30:57 -0500
From: Jiří Šimša <jiri.simsa@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Trying to run microbenchmarks/transactional/deque
Hello Polina,

thanks for you answer.

ad 1) The binary is run with superuser privileges.
ad 2) When setting up the I chose 4 for smt_threads. However, I am not sure if that is the correct option.

We have also tried augmenting the tm_bind_to_cabinet function with pset_info, pset_create and pset_assign to better understand what is going on. No success there.

We are running the benchmark on a sunfire/peanut machine with Solaris 10 and $num_cpus = 4.

I will be grateful for any suggestions as to how to get the deque benchmark to run. Thanks!


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Polina Dudnik <pdudnik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Most likely you just didn't assign processor ID's correctly before running the benchmark. 

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Polina Dudnik <pdudnik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jiri, 

Just to be clear:

1. You are running with 4 processors, how many threads?
2. Did you make the checkpoint such that you are logged in as root?

The message you are seeing comes from calling pset_bind function. Pset_bind binds the given thread to a particular processor. In order to do that the processor number that is passed to pset_bind must be valid. You are seeing the failure message because the processor number that gets passed to pset_bind is somehow invalid.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Jiří Šimša <jiri.simsa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am trying to get GEMS 2.1.1 + Simics 3.0.31 to run the deque transactional microbenchmark.

I followed the description at: I used different SPARC-based machine for producing the binaries and also generated my own checkpoint (with 4 processors) and set it up so that it had access to the host machine. When I run: ./ I get the following output:

bash-3.00# ./deque 3 1024 32
binding to cabinet 1
binding to cabinet 2
binding to cabinet 3
pset_bindpset_bind: Invalid argument
pset_bind: Invalid argument: Invalid argument

Time = 2820202 nanoseconds

Could anyone explain to me the significance of the "Invalid argument"? Thanks.


Jiri Simsa
Ph.D. Student
Carnegie Mellon University

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Jiri Simsa
Ph.D. Student
Carnegie Mellon University
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