[Gems-users] Address assertion error on GEMS LogTM

Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 00:35:09 -0600
From: BYONG WU CHONG <bernard.chong@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Address assertion error on GEMS LogTM

I am having this assertion error while I am running SPLASH2 barnes on GEMS EE TM (LogTM).
-------------------- CLI ERROR LOG START --------------------
memoryBits: 3 memorySizeBits: 32 Address: [0x8796d1040, line 0x8796d1040]error: limit exceeded.  dataBlockBits: 6 memoryModuleBlocks: 8388608 index: 71087752 failed assertion 'index < RubyConfig::memoryModuleBlocks()' at fn integer_t Address::memoryModuleIndex() const in common/Address.h:210 failed assertion 'index < RubyConfig::memoryModuleBlocks()' at fn integer_t Address::memoryModuleIndex() const in common/Address.h:210 At this point you might want to attach a debug to the running and get to the crash site; otherwise press enter to continue
PID: 8176
-------------------- CLI ERROR LOG END --------------------

I did some research on this error and there was a thread that I should modify memory space so that I can avoid this error.

My g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES is 4294967296 = 0x100000000

The output from "phys_mem0.map" is
simics> phys_mem.map
base               object               fn offs               length
0x0000000000000000 memory                0 0x0                0x80000000        
0x0000000800000000 memory                0 0x80000000         0x80000000        
0x000007fff07ffff0 simicsfs              0 0x0                0x10              

Could someone tell me how should I avoid this assertion error?

The simics script is this

The LL TM python script used on above script is this

The CLI output which contains the assertion error is this

The console window output is this

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