Re: [Gems-users] error on L2 misses while multiple benchmarks running

Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 17:05:23 +0100
From: Pau Erola <pauerola@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] error on L2 misses while multiple benchmarks running

Yes, it is set to 8. I copy my configuration file below. Thanks for your fast response.

read-configuration /scratch/1/pauerola/checkpoints/8procs/specB_22.conf

instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace
cpu-switch-time 1

echo("Loading Ruby")
load-module ruby

ruby0.setparam OPAL_RUBY_MULTIPLIER 1

ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS 8
ruby0.setparam g_PROCS_PER_CHIP 8
ruby0.setparam g_NUM_MEMORIES 8
ruby0.setparam_str g_REPLACEMENT_POLICY LRU

ruby0.setparam NETWORK_LINK_LATENCY 3
ruby0.setparam g_endpoint_bandwidth 1000
ruby0.setparam_str g_NETWORK_TOPOLOGY PT_TO_PT

## L1 - 32k
ruby0.setparam L1_CACHE_ASSOC 4
ruby0.setparam L1_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 7
ruby0.setparam L1_RESPONSE_LATENCY 3

## L2 - 512K
ruby0.setparam g_NUM_L2_BANKS 8
ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_ASSOC 16
ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 12
ruby0.setparam L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY 12
ruby0.setparam L2_TAG_LATENCY 4
ruby0.setparam L2_REQUEST_LATENCY 12

ruby0.setparam g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES 4294967296
ruby0.setparam g_NUM_MEMORIES 8
ruby0.setparam DIRECTORY_LATENCY 4

ruby0.load-caches /scratch/1/pauerola/caches/8procs/specB_22.cache

c   200000000
print-time cpu0
ruby0.dump-stats /scratch/1/pauerola/stats/8procs/specB_66.unic.stats

Many thanks,

Mike Marty wrote:
Is PROCS_PER_CHIP set to 8?


On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Pau Erola <pauerola@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pauerola@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I'm working with MOESI_CMP_directory protocol on 8core single processor
    machine with PT_to_PT interconnection network. We are launching 8
    SPEC2000 benchmarcks on Solaris9 with their corresponding skip-cycles
    and warmups. With <<con0.input "prstat\n">> we can see them running

    422 root       42M   28M cpu1    59  -20   0:05:13  12%
    423 root      211M  197M cpu7    59  -20   0:03:39  12% swim_base.aug16
    424 root      157M   47M cpu5    59  -20   0:01:13  12% galgel_base.aug
    425 root     3016K 2520K cpu6    59  -20   0:00:51  11% twolf_base.aug1
    426 root       28M   27M run     59  -20   0:00:38  11% equake_base.aug
    427 root     4280K 3736K cpu3    59  -20   0:00:34  10% art_base.aug16a
    428 root       72M   58M cpu2    59  -20   0:00:34  10% mgrid_base.aug1
    429 root       96M   96M cpu4    59  -20   0:00:19 7.6% mcf_base.aug16a

    After running Ruby for 200M cycles we see that only 4 first cores have
    L2 misses (512Kb, 16way assoc)

    Total_misses: 1657738
    total_misses: 1657738 [ 536341 467195 489785 145520 18157 249 286 205 ]
    user_misses: 1630461 [ 531623 466042 488376 144420 0 0 0 0 ]
    supervisor_misses: 27277 [ 4718 1153 1409 1100 18157 249 286 205 ]

    instruction_executed: 981861968 [ 26401973 46018520 35723729 79469230
    194243888 200001684 200000001 200002943 ]
    simics_cycles_executed: 1600173064 [ 200021633 200021633 200021633
    200021633 200021633 200021633 200021633 200021633 ]
    cycles_per_instruction: 1.62973 [ 7.57601 4.34655 5.59913 2.51697
    1.02974 1.0001 1.00011 1.00009 ]
    misses_per_thousand_instructions: 1.68836 [ 20.3144 10.1523 13.7104
    1.83115 0.0934753 0.00124499 0.00143 0.00102498 ]

    We have monitored with printf L2 cache misses in Profiler.C and in
    Sequencer.C and seems that only 0 to 3 cores produce user misses

    2u  0u  3u  1u  2u  0u  1u  3u  0u  2u  1u  3u  2u  1u  0u  3u  2u  1u
    0u  3u  1u  0u  2u  3u  1u  0u  2u  3u  0u  2u  3u  0u  1u  2u  3u  0u
    1u  2u  3u  0u  1u  2u  3u  0u  1u  2u  1u  0u  3u  2u  1u  0u  3u  1u
    2u  0u  3u  1u  0u  2u  3u  0u  2u  3u  0u  2u  3u  1u  0u  2u  3u  0u
    2u  1u  3u  0u  2u  1u  3u  0u  1u  2u  3u  1u  0u  2u  3u  1u  0u  2u
    1u  3u  0u  1u  3u  2u  0u  2u  3u  0u  1u  2u  3u  0u  1u  0u  3u  2u
    1u  0u  2u  3u  1u  0u  2u  1u  3u  0u  1u  3u  2u  0u  1u  3u  2u  0u
    1u  3u  0u  2u  3u  0u  2u  3u  0u  1u  2u  0u  3u  1u  2u  0u  1u  3u

    We have tried to change Solaris scheduler, priorities, launch
    applications with multiple users,... without successful. It seems that
    after loading Ruby only 4 cores work.

    Any help will be very grateful.

    Many thanks,

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