Re: [Gems-users] Different processor frequencies

Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 18:07:26 -0500
From: Philip Garcia <pcgarcia@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Different processor frequencies
I'm pretty sure this can be done by modifying the simulate loop in opal/system/system.C. You can modify which sequencers are "advanced" on a given cycle. I am not 100% sure what would happen if you did this though, as there might be some unexpected consequences. In particular, many things in opal get thrown onto wait queues. However, if you change how often you advance each processor, the wait states might end up becoming invalid. For instance, telling a pipeline to stall for 2 cycles might end up stalling only one cycle if it's stalling "real" cycles, and not that individual processor's cycles. Your best bet might be to modify these loops, and see the impact on actual performance on the two cores. Worse case scenario, you cause gems to crash, and best case is that the two processors behave as expected. Of course, delays issued to ruby will still be counted in "ruby" cycles separately from the processor pipeline.

On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:39 PM, Niket Agarwal wrote:

Hi all,

	I am trying to model DVFS inside GEMS. The way I was thinking of
doing this was by changing the Opal and Simics interface to fetch
instructions at different rates. My understanding of the interface is
that Opal simulates a multiprocessor system by fetching one
instruction at a time, in a round-robin manner, from the Simics
interface from the processors that have active instructions. I wish to
change this interface.

For e.g. if a processor is running at half the frequency of the other,
in 2 iterations I will fetch instructions twice from the faster
processor and once from the slower processor.

Can someone let me know if that sounds reasonable?

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