GEMS does not simulate TCC. It does contain an 'idealized'
lazy/lazy TM implementation (with infinite store buffers and
zero cycle token arbitration). Please see
for more details on the lazy/lazy TM implementation.
For workloads with small transactions that fit in
private caches, I think LL would perform similar to TCC.
ChongBernard wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if GEMS could simulate TCC or similar lazy/lazy TM.
> My guess is using
> simics> ruby0.setparam_str XACT_LAZY_VM "true"
> simics> ruby0.setparam_str XACT_EAGER_CD "false"
> would be enough, but I want to make sure just setting those values
> would make
> almost same lazy/lazy TMs like TCC.
> Thanks,
> Bernard
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