[Gems-users] Cache Organization

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:43:36 -0400
From: hb166307@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [Gems-users] Cache Organization
Dear Users,

    I have been reading through the archives trying to understand how the cache
structure is organized and have come across information that leads me to believe
that if I place one L2Bank on a "chip" or a CMP in a Multiple-CMP system that it
is considered shared; and if I place more than one on a "chip" each is
considered private or is there more to it than that? 

    My next question is in regard to the g_endpoint_bandwith parameter versus

     1) g_FLIT_SIZE determines the amount of bytes/cycle across all links?
     2) g_endpoint_bandwidth allows me to increase the bandwidth of individual   
        links when specified in a custom network design?
     3) So If I have g_FLIT_SIZE as 16, but my bw_multiplier = 64 
        and g_endpoint_bandwidth = 1000 what is the bandwidth on the specified ink
        versus the others.

I would appreciate any help trying to figure this out.

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