Re: [Gems-users] Revenge of Adventures in duplicating LogTM results

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 14:11:43 -0800
From: "Jim Leek" <jrleek@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Revenge of Adventures in duplicating LogTM results

Are you referring to If so, you can find it in

  Yes, of course.  I'm sorry, I wrote this email very late last night.
The variables are used mainly in to configure Ruby and in
.simics script files to setup and control simulation. Take a look at
$GEMS/microbenchmarks/transactional/deque/deque.simics to get an idea of
how they
are used.

The default values are specified in They are changed in
the interactive
script files that we generate using and

MBENCH_ARG_STRING is used to pass argument strings to the simulated


ps: We do not use some(many?) of the variables in anymore.

Unfortunately, the defaults in are not very useful.  A lot of important variables default to 'None.'   There are a number of variables that I am sure I need the same values as LogTM used in order to duplicate the results in the Performance Pathologies paper.
For example: BANDWIDTH, or TRANSACTIONS.  I'm pretty sure I got some important variable wrong because I got the following error from Ruby when trying to run the btree microbenchmark:

end_transaction_magic_call: transaction started: 11, transaction completed: 0, transaction_limit: 10000, mem_res: 807.511719 mem_total: 977.417969 mem_ratio: 0.826168
end_transaction_magic_call: transaction started: 12, transaction completed: 0, transaction_limit: 10000, mem_res: 807.511719 mem_total: 977.417969 mem_ratio: 0.826168
simics-common: log_tm/TransactionVersionManager.C:208: bool TransactionVersionManager::addLogEntry(int, int, Vector<uint32>&): Assertion `m_logSize[thread] < (m_maxLogSize[thread] * 1024)' failed.
***  Simics getting shaky, switching to 'safe' mode.
***  Simics (main thread) received an abort signal, probably an assertion.
Starting command line. (May have skipped commands in script files.)

So, I thought it would really help with my ability to duplicate LogTM results if I could actually get the values that LogTM used for their variables.  (Actually, this is also try for the values in default_param.h, but I think I figured those out since they are documented pretty well in the wiki.)  So, please let me know.

Thank you,

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