Re: [Gems-users] retry hack in ATMTP/Rock

Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:12:36 +0100
From: Matthew James Horsnell <horsnelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] retry hack in ATMTP/Rock
Hi Salil,

If I understand your question correctly you are asking why execute a block of code before retrying the transaction?

Heres a scenario which I know requires the retry-code. If during the transaction you miss during a TLB lookup then the transaction is aborted because translations are not allowed inside a rock transaction (there are quite a few things not allowed inside rock transactions). If you were to naively restart the transaction at this point, rolling back to a checkpoint, then the same thing would happen (because the translation has not yet occurred and so another lookup results again in a miss). This would happen ad infinitum (or until the OS kicks the process out whichever is first :) )

If however inside the retry-code you check for such an error using the status register, then you can prevent retrying and perhaps do something to overcome the obstacle.

Does the make sense, perhaps Dan or someone who is more familiar with the exact mechanism can give you a better answer.



salil pant wrote:
I am a little confused about the retry hack being used in the ATMTP/Rock simulator. This is what I have understood so far :- you catch exceptions within Transactions and detect their type. Inside the Core_Exception hap, however, you change the PC to point to a new location which contains the RETRY instruction. What does this do? Does the code inside the exception handler execute or not ? what is the use of the retry ? I ask this mainly because we abort when the exception completes anyway and we change the PC back to the beginning of the transaction. Why not just let the execution handler finish and then simply rollback using a checkpoint and switch the PC back to the start of the transaction ?
What am I missing here ?


On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 7:03 PM, salil pant <floydian27@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:floydian27@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi, I have been using the LogTM system in GEMS ( 1.2 ) . I have been
    working on implementing some extra features for transactional
    memory, but I keep running into exceptions within transactions that
    "hang" my system. The processor starts taking a lot of window
    spill/fill exceptions and then is not able to get out of the
     Using SIM_get_exception_name I was able to get the type of
    exception that starts the problem  - fast_data_access_mmu_miss. This
    seems to be a dtlb miss exception.
    I followed some of the techniques in the previous posts , namely
    warming up the TSB/ TLB by running the benchmark once in SIMICS
    without RUBY installed or touching the data structure before the
    transaction. This has not helped me so far.
    I guess my question is - Are there any more solutions to avoid
    getting tlb miss exceptions within transactions ?
     Can we run transactions from benchmark suites like Splash/STAMP ,
    which can be really long and can take tlb exceptions, without
    crashing ?

    Do the later versions of GEMS  have a solution for this ? I have
    been reading some of the SimicsHypervisor code in the latest
    versions and that seems to include callbacks to detect tlb misses.
    Have the callbacks been implemented to tackle this issue ? and is
    that the only thing needed if I were to use them in my version ?



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Dr. Matt Horsnell - Research Associate, APT Group
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