[Gems-users] Simics-Ruby wakeup interface

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:32:33 +0000 (GMT)
From: divya ramakrishnan <tickly2002192@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Simics-Ruby wakeup interface

I have a very basic question about the flow of control in the interface between Simics and Ruby.
I understand that for every memory access, Simics wakes up Ruby and adds the transaction to the event queue. How exactly is this event queue triggered [using triggerevents(time)] after the Simics processor is stalled?

Is Ruby triggered for every cycle after that till it returns a latency and unstalls the processor? Is this triggering done by Simics by waking up Ruby every cycle?

It would be great if I could understand this basic flow because I am really confused about the network simulation.

Thank you,
University of Cincinnati

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