Re: [Gems-users] gdb and tester error

Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:00:03 -0400
From: Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] gdb and tester error
You're probably running the tester in the wrong directory. It's expected to run in the ruby directory, and it looks for the network files using a relative pathname.
If you want to run it where it is, you can add a symbolic link to the 
ruby/network directory, and that will probably fix this.

Olya Krachina wrote:

i am trying to use the tester.exec in gdb but i cannot get through this error:

Ruby Timing Mode
  Debug: Adding to filter: 'n' (Network)
Creating event queue...
Creating event queue done
Creating system...
  Processors: 8
Error: Could not open network file:
Probably no network file exists for 8 processors and 1 procs per chip
Program exited with code 01.

my protocol is MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory with 8 processors, 1 processor per chip,
file_specified network, and the file does exist in NetworkFiles directory. I did
recompile ruby and i see my debug_expr and debug_msg in debug-dump file, however
i would like to be able to step through code in gdb.

thank you in advance
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