[Gems-users] I met a question about checkpoint file

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:51:24 +0800 (CST)
From: llccdd1985 <llccdd1985@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] I met a question about checkpoint file
 hello,I meet a question about the checkpoint problem,I install the gems2.1 and simics3.0.31 in fedora core 6 ,I want to load the ruby and opal.of course I compile them successfully,but I can not write the checkpoint file, because I don't read something about checkpoint in  the simics's document at all,I use the the checkpoint/nake-checkpoint.sh in  gems2.0 there are question about"/p/multifacet/projects/simics/home/sarek/solarisexpress-install-simics" no such file ,how to fix it ?thank you 

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