Most of the timing variables are protocol-dependent, unfortunately.
Grep through MOESI_CMP_directory to discover which variables it uses,
and how. I'm no expert on that protocol, so I cannot answer your
question directly.
Mladen Nikitovic wrote:
I would like to model a pretty simple system with a L1 cache that has an
access time of 1 cycle and an L2 access time of 6 cycles + latency of
the network.
I have a problem with setting up these parameters in ruby, especially
the L1 latency.
There are many parameters that seem related but it seems some are used
in some protocols, not all.
I'm using the MOESI_CMP_directory protocol.
I managed to reduce the execution time of the application by changing
the ruby_mutliplier from 2 to 1.
The parameters that I'm hesitating about regarding cache latency are the
DIRECTORY_CACHE_LATENCY - value: 6 - this latency is used when accessing
the L2, right?
ISSUE_LATENCY - value: 2 - what type of issue is this? where is this
issue performed?
CACHE_RESPONSE_LATENCY - value: 12 - Is this L1 or L2? Is it used in
MOESI_CMP_directory protocol?
L1_RESPONSE_LATENCY - value: 1 - used in MOESI_CMP_directory?
L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY - value: 6 - used in MOESI_CMP_directory?
RECYCLE_LATENCY - value: 3 - when is recycling performed?
L2_RECYCLE_LATENCY - value: 5 - when is recycling performed?
L1_REQUEST_LATENCY - value: 1 - what is the difference between REQUEST
L2_REQUEST_LATENCY - value: 6 - what is the difference between REQUEST
SEQUENCER_TO_CONTROLLER_LATENCY- value: 4 - should this be 1 or can I
put it to 0?
One general question is whether I need to assign 0 to any of these
values to achieve my objective.
Hope you have the time to sort out the meaning of these parameters.
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