When I’m running my applications with GEMS2.1 and
simics2.2.19. I get the following errors and simics simulation stops. Do you
know what may be the problem or how I can get more info into this error?
rubycache_t: ERROR (access)- number of Opal and Ruby Demand
misses differ! opal[ 1 ] ruby[ 2 ]
[12] rubycache_t: delayed: 0 outstanding: 0 (0).
[12] rubycache_t: outstanding memory transactions.
[12] rubycache_t IFETCH: 0x11b59e80 (posted: 0) thread[ 0
Ruby's Outstanding Request Table:
Sequencer Stats Version 12
Current time = 11538061
outstanding requests
proc 0 thread 0 Read Requests = 2
Request[ 0 ] = IFETCH Address [0xd8007c0, line
0xd8007c0] Posted 11538051 PF No
Request[ 1 ] = IFETCH Address [0x11b59e80, line
0x11b59e80] Posted 11538061 PF No
proc 0 thread 0 Write Requests = 0
Total Number Outstanding: 2
Total Number Demand : 2
Total Number Prefetches : 0
simics-common: system/rubycache.C:1126: ruby_status_t rubycache_t::access(la_t,
pa_t, OpalMemop_t, la_t, bool, waiter_t*, bool&, bool&, bool&, int):
Assertion `(total_opal_demand == total_ruby_demand)' failed.
*** Simics getting shaky, switching to 'safe' mode.