[Gems-users] How to increase the network load

Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 23:13:57 +0800
From: "Íõ×ô" <qiushui@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] How to increase the network load
I want to use gems to create actual network load and evaluate differnt networks
with these actual network load. But I find that apache benchmark can only get
about 0.5 flit per cycle for each channel, the specjbb and dss get even low value
just 0.3 flit per cycle and 0.07 flit per cycle for each channel. I think the
network load is too small (the statistical rejected flits is nearly the same with
the accepted flits),so how to increase the network load? Increasing the frequecy
of  utraSPRCIII or anything else ? Thanks!

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