[Gems-users] segmentation fault

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:00:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dave Z." <zhu_dave@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] segmentation fault

I get "simics getting shaky - segmentation fault" error after ruby initialization (see below). I checked the init.C file, and the error occurs at "g_system_ptr = new System;" What would cause such an error? The network configuration? Any ideas? I'm using simics 2.2.19 and gems 1.4.

simics> ruby0.init
Ruby Timing Mode
Warning: optimizations not enabled.
Creating event queue...
Creating event queue done
Creating system...
Processors: 4
***  Simics getting shaky, switching to 'safe' mode.
Simics (main thread) received a segmentation fault. Will try to recuperate.
 Thank you.

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