Re: [Gems-users] OS Context Switches

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 13:02:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: Luke Yen <lyen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] OS Context Switches

Yes it is, and with the new GEMS 2.0 you can do so with the SimicsHypervisor code. This class was meant to be used as part of the all-in-simulator version of LogTM-SE style support for virtualizing transactions. To do this we needed to be able to detect context (both process & thread) switches and page remapping.

In SPARC a pointer to the thread's software context structure resides in the %g7 register, and detecting changes to this on mode changes (user<->supervisor) is sufficient to detect thread switches. Process switches need to look at the ASID register as well. Take a look at the functions in SimicsHypervisor.C for more details.


On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Dave Z. wrote:


I have a question regarding operating system context
switches. Is it possible to detect context switches in
Ruby? For example, is it possible to detect if a
thread has migrated from one processor to another? I
would like to find out the impact of context switches
on the memory model I'm working on.

Thank you for your help.


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