Re: [Gems-users] Another question about gems1.4 with x86 target

Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 08:40:10 -0500
From: Dan Gibson <degibson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Another question about gems1.4 with x86 target
I have never tried Ruby-x86 on Simics 3.0+, so to begin with, I'm not 100% sure it will work at all.

That said, it looks like you're having compiler version issues -- I think you're inadvertenly compiling code with two different compilers OR just not using the version of the compiler that Simics expects -- Simics is compiled to a particular version of glibc, which they expect their customers to use.

You can post this on the Simics forum and ask what version of compiler to use with Simics 3.0.27.


常清云 wrote:

  I also set up gems1.4 on simics3.0.27, and did some necessary changes according to the v9-to-x86 patch. The compile is ok,and I have some x86 checkpoints. When I input this command: load-module ruby, there is an error which says: Failed to load module 'ruby', undefined symbol:_ZNSt24_default_alloc_templateILb1ELi0EE10deallocateEPvj
I do not understand what is error mean, please give me some help,thanks

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