Re: [Gems-users] Problems with Microbenchmarks

Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:55:43 -0600
From: Dan Gibson <degibson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Problems with Microbenchmarks
I've included your original message below, for context.

synch.h, sys/procset.h, sys/processor.h are all Solaris header files. They don't exist in Linux distributions.
hrtime_t is a Solaris-only typedef for measuring high-resolution time.
P_LWPID and P_MYID are constants to accompany processor_bind(), which is also Solaris only.

You must compile the benchmark on a SPARC/Solaris machine.


Joaquin Sanchez Sanchez wrote:
Im working in x86-linux machine, with fedora distribution. And I'm trying to execute de microbenchmarks in order to learn how they work and then, execute gems doing my tests.
I'm trying to compile the microbenchmarks for multiprocessor. but I get the following errors:
make all
gcc -O2 -o parallel.o -c parallel.C
parallel.C:6:19: synch.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio
parallel.C:10:25: sys/procset.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio
parallel.C:11:27: sys/processor.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio
parallel.C:24: error: `hrtime_t' no nombra a un tipo
parallel.C:25: error: `hrtime_t' no nombra a un tipo
parallel.C: In function `void* ThreadLoop(void*)':
parallel.C:57: error: `P_LWPID' no se declaró en este ámbito
parallel.C:57: error: `P_MYID' no se declaró en este ámbito
parallel.C:57: error: `processor_bind' no se declaró en este ámbito
make: *** [parallel.o] Error 1

How can I use them?
And ....Must I have simicsfs to execute them in my simulation?

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