Hi All,
I'm trying to modify MOESI_SMP_hammer to make it
behave like AMD's MOESI protocol. So, I've changed
(MM, Other_GETS, I) to (MM, Other_GETS, O) and (M,
Other_GETS, O) to (M, Other_GETS, S). I'm using NUCA
network file for 2 processors, 1 processor per chip. I
get the following error durng my simulations:
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:118: Possible Deadlock detected
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:119: request is [CacheMsg:
Address=[0xd89b5788, line 0xd89b5780] Type=LD
ProgramCounter=[0x10ee0, line 0x10ec0]
AccessMode=UserMode Size=4 Prefetch=No Version=0
Aborted=0 Time=729096 ]
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:120: m_chip_ptr->getID() is 0
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:121: m_version is 0
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:122: keys.size() is 1
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:123: current_time is 779096
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:124: request.getTime() is 729096
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:125: current_time -
request.getTime() is 50000
Warning: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:126: *m_readRequestTable_ptr is [
[0xd89b5780, line 0xd89b5780]=[CacheMsg:
Address=[0xd89b5788, line 0xd89b5780] Type=LD
ProgramCounter=[0x10ee0, line 0x10ec0]
AccessMode=UserMode Size=4 Prefetch=No Version=0
Aborted=0 Time=729096 ] ]
Fatal Error: in fn virtual void Sequencer::wakeup() in
system/Sequencer.C:127: Aborting
Dumping debugging output to file
Simics getting shaky, switching to 'safe' mode.
*** Simics (main thread) received an abort signal,
probably an assertion.
I've looked at the transition traces, and it seems
that the deadlock is due to Directory GETS NO_B>NO_B.
I don't quite understand how I should modify the
directory controller. Could you please show me some
pointers to resolve the deadlock?
Thank you very much.
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