Re: [Gems-users] triggerQueue

Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:42:54 -0600
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] triggerQueue
Consider adding a conditional state-changing override in setState() of your controller. Relying on a triggerQueue to change the state a cycle later may not be atomic.


arrvindh shriraman wrote:
Can the triggerQueue entries be processed atomically with the state transition ? Let's say i am in state A and I transition to state B. I check a condition and if condition is true transtion to C instead of B.

Right now , I achieve this by enqueing a msg in the triggerQueue, popping it and moving from B -> C.

The triggerqueue entries are processed only a cycle later. So between this and the next cycle its possible for the L1 cache to process a msg since I have set L1 Cache transitions per cycle = 4. B is a stable state and so is C.

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