[Gems-users] Help in understanding class Sequencer

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:07:51 +0100
From: "Marco Solinas" <marco.solinas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Help in understanding class Sequencer
Hi all,
in the Sequencer.C file, what does the TSO flag means (it is checked in many functions)?
In the makeRequest function, if I want to count the number of L1 misses, is it enought to check return value of the doRequest() call? How do I have to take into account the previous if branch? As it involves the TSO flag, I can't understand how to manage this case.
There is a instance of Sequencer for each CPU, is it correct? If no, what does the m_version field of the class Sequencer means?
Is there a better way to count the number of L1 misses different from checking the doRequest() return value?
Thank you for your attention.
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