Thanks Dan for the quick reply. Just one complementary question: Is it
possible to find out the number of total memory accesses (instruction + data
hits+misses )? Is it for example the numbers reported by the SimicsDriver
Transaction results? I would say from those numbers the number of Fast Path
accesses + number of Request misses is the total number of memory accesses
(where fast path accesses are the number of hits).
Would that statement be true?
Sorry to bother you about those details,
Derin Harmanci
Quoting Dan Gibson <degibson@xxxxxxxx>:
> Ruby determines the number of executed instructions directly from
> simics, via the SimicsDriver via SimicsProcessor via the Simics
> interface (I believe the API call is SIMICS_get_instrucition_count).
> Ruby's profiler adds 1 to the reported number so it is safe to use as a
> divisor elsewhere (eg. no divide-by-zero). Hence, running 3 instructions
> => Ruby reports 4 instructions.
> Regards,
> Dan
> mehmetderin.harmanci@xxxxxxx wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I was trying to start a simulation and I have figured out something which
> is
> > maybe obvious but, I think somewhat misleading (at least for me). The issue
> is
> > the following (I 'll be explaining it on an example):
> >
> > When I run 3 instructions on the cashew machine (Ultrasparc II processor)
> Ruby
> > counts 4 instructions in its statistics. The difference comes from the fact
> >that
> > there is one ldx instruction among the instructions which of course causes
> a
> > data access other than an instruction access and this data access is
> counted as
> > an instruction whereas it is just a memory access.
> >
> > With this experiment I come to the conclusion that the instruction count
> > reported by Ruby is just the number of memory accesses (sum of instruction
> and
> > data accesses) and not the number of instructions run. Can somebody confirm
> > this observation?
> >
> > Thanks for your attention,
> >
> > Derin Harmanci.
> >
> >
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