Re: [Gems-users] Message Delayed Cycles

Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 21:16:50 -0500
From: "Lei Yang" <lya755@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Message Delayed Cycles
This guess actually is close to mine. But I'm wondering if there is a sanity check, for example, if I make the network bandwidth to a very big value, or if I use indefinite queue size, would the problem go? Because if it is, then this may not be a problem of my protocol, but a problem of Ruby configuration, because in actual hardware design, we might have bigger bandwidth or bigger queue size. Right?
Dan, how do I monitor the queuing contention?
Hongxia, how could I tell where the delay is by printing out debug info? Did you mean to look at the transition trace?
Thanks for your advice,
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Gibson
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Message Delayed Cycles

The only thought I can offer is that your change significantly affected the queuing contention for various links in the topology (wild guess).

Lei Yang wrote:
Dear list,
I noticed that after I made some change to the MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory protocol, the network delay cycles were significantly increased.
Below I'm pasting the virtual network 1 delay cycles of unmodified protocol and modified protocol. (Virtual network 1 is the network that connects the local l2s to the directory).
virtual_network_1_delay_cycles: [binsize: 1 max: 15 count: 330763 average: 1.18152 | standard deviation: 2.62497 | 274530 2 18 249 191 181 64 172 54618 276 116 23 38 9 29 8 41 ]
virtual_network_1_delay_cycles: [binsize: 4 max: 194 count: 289410 average: 9.86392 | standard deviation: 27.4408 | 216910
45290 453 237 12 49 34 41 40 447 44 54 48 43 70 29 110 87 76 119 85 34 11754 246 568 11396 230 894 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 ]
Could anyone please tell me what is the dominant factor of message delay cycle?  For example, I changed the DIRECTORY_TRANSITION_PER_RUBY_CYCLE parameter from 32 to 256 in rubyconfig.defaults. Because my modifications introduced more message sent to the directory and I thought the number of requests that can be handled by the directory  in one cycle matters. However, this doesn't help at all. I would really appreciate any hint from you. Thanks in advance!

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