Re: [Gems-users] MOSI_SMP_bcast : inclusion between L1 and L2

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:32:09 -0500
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] MOSI_SMP_bcast : inclusion between L1 and L2
I can't say for sure how feasible this is for the single-controller protocols. It might be possible, but I haven't put much thought into it. Pay attention to getState/setState and the replacement functions. There are numerous assertions that check the exclusion property. MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory enforces strict L1/L2 inclusion, but the L2 is shared. Nonetheless, you could just use this protocol with PROCS_PER_CHIP set to 1.

avadh patel wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have been studying MOSI_SMP_bcast protocol and I found out that in this
protocol, it doesn't maintain the inclusion property between L1 and L2,
instead they maintain exclusion property. So, if line is in L1 cache it cant
be in L2 cache and coherence state is maintained in both level caches.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

I would like to change this property to make it inclusive. Is there any
simple and faster way to change MOSI_SMP_bcast to have inclusion property? What should I consider when doing this changes because I am very much new to
this slicc language.

Thanks in advance.

- Avadh Patel


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