Re: [Gems-users] "little.trace"

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:30:25 -0500
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] "little.trace"

sarvanirs wrote:

I am new to GEMS and I would like to know how to
generate  the "little.trace" file described here :

This is just a file you create as shown on the page below. Each line contains a single memory request that are replayed one at a time. First column is processor, second column is block address, next column is PC (ignored when just running the Ruby tester), and final column is either request type (ST, LD, etc)

I am also finding it difficult to find documentation
on compiling my benchmarks and running them using
There is some information on the ISCA tutorial slides. We have numerous academic papers on the website. Otherwise we do not have step-by-step guides available.


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