Re: [Gems-users] MessageBuffer

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 11:35:57 -0600
From: "Lei Yang" <lya755@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] MessageBuffer
Does anybody know how to use MessageBuffer the way I described? I did a search on the list archive and couldn't find anything close. I think the GEMS author might know how to do it. I'm stuck on this and really appreciate your comments!

Thanks in advance.
----- Original Message ----- From: <lya755@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Gems-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 1:42 AM
Subject: [Gems-users] MessageBuffer

Dear list,

I have a question regarding the use of MessageBuffer. I am using
MSI_MOSI_CMP_directory protocol. I want to create a MessageBuffer that
connects an in_port and an out_port, both belong to the L2Cache_Controller. Basically the L2 controller sends message to the out_port and the in_port just process each message in FIFO order. No data needs to go in or out of the L2

Right now I defined the following in my file:

MessageBuffer LocalL2Request, ordered="true";

out_port(LocalL2Request_out, RequestMsg, LocalL2Request);

in_port(LocalL2Request_in, RequestMsg, LocalL2Request) {
 if(LocalL2Request_in.isReady()) {
   peek(LocalL2Request_in, RequestMsg) {
     // Do something;

However it seems that the two ports are not "connected" even if they share the
same MessageBuffer. The simulator goes to an infinite loop when I send
requests to the out_port, which implies that those requests were never
processed by the in_port.

Please help!!

Thanks a lot!

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