Re: [Gems-users] R: Significance of the parameter NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 05:10:29 -0600 (CST)
From: Alaa Alameldeen <alaa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] R: Significance of the parameter NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS
I'm not sure this is documented in the existing GEMS wiki. However, you
can learn how to use virtual networks by examining any of the protocols
written in SLICC. As I mentioned earlier, virtual networks are used to
communicate between various system components. For example, a two-level
CMP protocol might have networks for communicating L1->L2 requests, L2->L1
requests, L1->L2 responses, L2->L1 responses, L2->directory requests,

You can use any of the existing protocols with all their virtual
network definitions if they are a good fit for your needs. However,
you will typically need to add more virtual networks if you add
another system component (e.g., an L3 cache), or add a different message
type that you do not want to be mixed with other types (e.g., Prefetch
requests, negative acks, ...etc.).


On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Alessandro Bardine wrote:

> could you (briefly) explain or tell me where to find
> info about virtual networks?
> what are them intended for?
> how should be used?
> Thank you,
> Alessandro
> > -----Messaggio originale-----
> > Da: Alaa Alameldeen [mailto:alaa@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Inviato: lunedì 6 marzo 2006 16.25
> > A: Gems Users
> > Cc: alessandro.bardine@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Oggetto: Re: [Gems-users] Significance of the parameter
> >
> >
> > Briefly, this parameter should be at least as big as the number of
> > virtual networks you use in your protocol to communicate between
> > different system components. These networks are defined near the top of
> > your component SLICC files. For example, an L2 cache might have the
> > following definition:
> >
> >    MessageBuffer L1RequestToL2Cache, network="From",
> > virtual_network="0", ordered="true";  // a local L1 -> this L2 bank
> >
> > Which specifies that you have a virtual network (#0) from a Local L1
> > cache to an L2 cache bank. Your NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS parameter
> > should be at least the number of the distinct virtual network numbers
> > you have (you should count the "From" and "To" networks with the same
> > number as one network).
> >
> > -Alaa
> >
> > Alessandro Bardine wrote:
> > > Could someone give me and explaination of the significance of the ruby
> > > parameter
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > > Alessandro Bardne
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Gems-users mailing list
> > > Gems-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > >

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  • Re: [Gems-users] R: Significance of the parameter NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS, Alaa Alameldeen <=