Sean, the file still uncompresses, right? I believe this happens when
Ruby is interrupted but in my experience, the compressing trace is still
Try using zcat
"zcat test.gz > test"
> As far as I can tell the traces generated by ruby are compressed. I
> execute the following sequence of commands to generate a trace:
> read-configuration ../checkpoints/fft.4
> magic-break-enable
> dstc-disable
> istc-disable
> instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace
> load-module ruby
> ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS 4
> ruby0.init
> ruby0.tracer-output-file test.gz
> c
> q
> This produces a file test.gz
> Attempting to unzip this I get the error:
> gunzip: test.gz: unexpected end of file
> What am I doing wrong?
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