Re: [Gems-users] Read and write misses

Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:40:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Read and write misses
You will need to add some code to do this.  First, modify
ruby/profiler/Profiler.C and Profiler.h to add a function to track the
read and write misses in which you can pass the processor ID.  To hook
this up to SLICC, you will also need to add a function to
ruby/slicc_interface/RubySlicc_Profiler_interface.[Ch] to access the
function you added to the Profiler object.  Finally add the same
definition to the file in the protocols

Then in the SLICC protocol specification, you will need to call your new
function passing the "machineID" variable (which is of type MachineID)
when a miss occurs.  To extract a processor number (starting with P0) from
the MachineID in the C++ function, dereference the "num" field of
MachineID (like id.num).


> Hi,
>  I am interested in finding out the number of read and write
> misses(separately)on the system bus generated for a single
> processor (when the snoop controller probes the Cache because
> of these misses)
> I would like to know the following for that.
> How to I differentiate one processor from other ...(Is is from
> some proc_id)
> How to I link GETS and GETX to the read and write misses and
> where do I modify the code?
> In the Ruby Dump stats file I have event counts Own_GETS,
> Other_GETS .....Is it something relevant to the read and
> misses that I want monitor?
> -Alokika
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