[DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] c6cd35: [AMDGPU] Change filename of instrumented kernel list

Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 18:05:53 -0800
From: Ronak Chauhan <noreply@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] c6cd35: [AMDGPU] Change filename of instrumented kernel list
  Branch: refs/heads/ronak/amdgpu-va-rebase
  Home:   https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst
  Commit: c6cd35dc9009d95c28258b7f96cc8beef3ee5f21
  Author: Ronak Chauhan <ronak@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  Date:   2025-01-06 (Mon, 06 Jan 2025)

  Changed paths:
    M dyninstAPI/src/BPatch_binaryEdit.C

  Log Message:
  [AMDGPU] Change filename of instrumented kernel list

It was a suffix to the output file name that comes from the mutator.
This commit changes it to be a suffix to the input file name. So we can
set up other tools in our scripts to read the instrumented kernel names
without having to worry about the mutator.

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  • [DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] c6cd35: [AMDGPU] Change filename of instrumented kernel list, Ronak Chauhan <=