[DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] 9a0a0a: Parse all DWARF source files in DwarfWalker::build...

Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 08:46:45 -0700
From: Tim Haines <noreply@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] 9a0a0a: Parse all DWARF source files in DwarfWalker::build...
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst
  Commit: 9a0a0a2b245aa115b6bf8e8712e40f512afb5bae
  Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
  Date:   2023-09-08 (Fri, 08 Sep 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M symtabAPI/src/dwarfWalker.C

  Log Message:
  Parse all DWARF source files in DwarfWalker::buildSrcFiles (#1515)

>From of the DWARF5 standard

	Prior to DWARF Version 5, the current compilation file name was not
	represented in the file_names field. In DWARF Version 5, the current
	compilation file name is explicitly present and has index 0. This is
	needed to support the common practice of stripping all but the line
	number sections (.debug_line and .debug_line_str) from an executable.

However, libdw takes care of this in dwarf_getsrcfiles.

Fixes a major bug where we produce no function parameter information
when there is only one CU in a binary because
DwarfWalker::parseFormalParam requires line information.

Fixes #1156

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  • [DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] 9a0a0a: Parse all DWARF source files in DwarfWalker::build..., Tim Haines <=