Branch: refs/heads/thaines/module_findRanges_inversion
Commit: bf7749e4a4704ae9649665578af6c68465d80e8b
Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2023-08-31 (Thu, 31 Aug 2023)
Changed paths:
M symtabAPI/h/Module.h
M symtabAPI/src/Module.C
M symtabAPI/src/Symtab.C
Log Message:
Fix responsibility inversion in Module::finalizeRanges
A Module shouldn't modify the Symtab object to which it belongs. It
knows what ranges belong to it (see
Object::fix_global_symbol_modules_static_dwarf), so it can munge them
into a collection of `ModRange`s.
The `ranges_finalized` member was never needed as the only place
it was set was in `finalizeRanges` which is the only place where
`ranges` was emptied.