Branch: refs/heads/cmake_modernization
Commit: f7b2fc171d93f07db822a6c19be5ec7ac6accacd
Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2022-12-02 (Fri, 02 Dec 2022)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Update minimum CMake version to 3.13.0
Commit: a1a8ace394e5a69416ee6c4ef24f67d35df0936e
Author: Jonathan R. Madsen <jrmadsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2022-12-02 (Fri, 02 Dec 2022)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
R cmake/Boost.cmake
A cmake/DyninstCapArchDef.cmake
A cmake/DyninstLanguageStandards.cmake
A cmake/DyninstLibrary.cmake
A cmake/DyninstOptimization.cmake
A cmake/DyninstOptions.cmake
A cmake/DyninstPlatform.cmake
A cmake/DyninstPlatformUnix.cmake
A cmake/DyninstPlatformWindows.cmake
A cmake/DyninstSystemPaths.cmake
A cmake/DyninstVisibility.cmake
A cmake/DyninstWarnings.cmake
R cmake/ElfUtils.cmake
R cmake/LanguageStandards.cmake
R cmake/LibIberty.cmake
R cmake/Modules/DyninstSystemPaths.cmake
R cmake/Modules/FindThreadDB.cmake
A cmake/Modules/FindThread_DB.cmake
R cmake/ThreadingBuildingBlocks.cmake
R cmake/ThreadingBuildingBlocks.install.cmake
R cmake/cap_arch_def.cmake
R cmake/optimization.cmake
R cmake/options.cmake
R cmake/platform.cmake
R cmake/platform_unix.cmake
R cmake/platform_windows.cmake
R cmake/shared.cmake
A cmake/tpls/DyninstBoost.cmake
A cmake/tpls/DyninstElfUtils.cmake
A cmake/tpls/DyninstLibIberty.cmake
A cmake/tpls/DyninstTBB.cmake
A cmake/tpls/DyninstTBBInstall.cmake
R cmake/visibility.cmake
R cmake/warnings.cmake
Log Message:
Rename CMake files to prevent name collisions
When consumed as a subproject, the CMake files could be imported into the parent project where the filenames could collide.
Commit: ee37ea61f11460a437681c8ad968fcfb23121c80
Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2022-12-02 (Fri, 02 Dec 2022)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Prepend to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH instead of overwriting
Commit: a1d8c5f55bf8b40cf7f0b818a71fe3d52bdc6dcb
Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2022-12-02 (Fri, 02 Dec 2022)
Changed paths:
M cmake/Modules/FindThread_DB.cmake
Log Message:
Fix capitalization error in FindThread_DB
This should silence the warning about Thread_Db versus Thread_DB
Commit: c9b86eac30d00d0961599cbf30d8f9027fe209c8
Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2022-12-02 (Fri, 02 Dec 2022)
Changed paths:
M CMakeLists.txt
M cmake/
R cmake/Modules/FindTBB.cmake
M cmake/tpls/DyninstTBB.cmake
R cmake/tpls/DyninstTBBInstall.cmake
M common/CMakeLists.txt
M dyninstAPI/CMakeLists.txt
M dyninstAPI_RT/CMakeLists.txt
M elf/CMakeLists.txt
M instructionAPI/CMakeLists.txt
M symtabAPI/CMakeLists.txt
Log Message:
Require CMake package for TBB (#1322)
* Make libdl/dbghelp private linkage
* Remove TBB flags from toolkits that don't use TBB
* Remove FindTBB.cmake
All supported TBB versions ship as CMake packages, so this is no longer
* Remove from-source build option
* Create an imported target for TBB used by Dyninst
This is needed to force the include directories to be considered 'system' directories so that compiler warnings from TBB sources are ignored
* Rename cmake/ThreadingBuildingBlocks.cmake -> cmake/tpls/DyninstTBB.cmake
This is needed to keep the namespace clean for DyninstConfig.cmake
* Export TBB as part of the Dyninst CMake package
This is required by the CMake guidelines:
In particular,
"All required dependencies of a package must also be found in the package configuration file"
* Format DyninstTBB.cmake